Can a customer pay offline and still use the system?
Yes, a customer can pay online on Survey Booker, offline (e.g. via bank transfer) or later in the job.
Skip payment to later: press the “Add/Skip payment” button in the “What’s next” section and say “Yes” to pay later. This marks the job as payment skipped so you can progress the job and add payment at a later stage.
Offline/manual payment: if the customer is paying outside of Survey Booker (e.g. over the phone, via cash, or bank transfer) you can press the “Add/Skip payment” button, press “No” to pay later. Set the amount paid, the payment date and if you want to confirm to the customer that payment has been received.
Online payment: if the customer pays online via the payment page, the job will be marked as paid automatically. If payment has been skipped, the customer can still return to the payment page to pay online.
If you need to update the amount paid later on in the job, you can click on the total paid amount in the Quote section, edit and press “Update”.