Marking Referral Fees as Paid

This feature is designed to help you track which jobs you owe referral fees for so you can easily see what has been paid and what hasn’t been paid. Individually or bulk mark fees as paid to suit your own payment process.

Two ways to mark fees as paid

Job record

Navigate to the job record where you want to mark the fees as paid.

Press the mark as paid button next to the referral fee value and set the payment date.

You can edit the payment date in the left hand column.


Fees due table

Navigate to your referral partner table and click on “Fees due” above the main table.

This table will display a list of jobs where fees may need to be paid.

Use the table filters to find the jobs you want to mark as paid.

Click each job to be paid and press the “Mark as paid” button. The system will show the total value and request the payment date.

Select the payment date and press “Mark as paid”.

These records will then remove from the table.