What is SendGrid used for?

There are two scenarios SendGrid is used for:

  • Your automated emails – if you haven’t connected an email address using the SMTP or Office 365 route, emails can instead be sent using SendGrid. You must create a SendGrid account (see the steps below) and connect it here so your automated emails can be sent. If you have connected SMTP/Office 365 and SendGrid, your SMTP or Office 365 connection will be used.
  • Referral partner statement emails – you can choose to send the referral partner statement emails via SendGrid instead of your connected SMTP / Office 365 email. You would want to do this if you’re sending more than around 30 emails. The reason is that many email providers rate-limit the number of emails you can send. Therefore, if you need to send statement emails in larger volumes, you can send them from SendGrid where you won’t hit rate-limits and all your emails can be sent out.

Connecting SendGrid to your Survey Booker account

SendGrid offers a free account with up to 100 emails per day. For larger volumes, they offer different payment plans depending on the volume of emails you need to send and the features you need.

Once you have created an account with SendGrid, go to Settings > API keys.


Press Create API Key in the top right of the page.

Select Restricted access and then turn on full access for Mail Send.

Click on the image to enlarge

Return to Survey Booker and navigate to Settings > Integrations > SendGrid.

Enter the From Name (the name you want your emails to come from e.g. ABC Surveyors)

Enter the From Email (the email address you want your emails to come from)

Enter your API key created above


Press Save.


Referral partner statements

You can tick if you want referral partner statement emails to send from SendGrid using these checkboxes at the bottom of the page and if it should use the general email above or the assigned account manager email address. If unticked, it will continue to send from your connected SMTP/Office 365 email.