Setting up custom job archive reasons

When archiving a job you can set your own reasons for why a job had to be archived. These archive reasons are used on the reporting page so you can see why you had to archive leads which may support in your sales and marketing planning.


Setting up archive reasons

Navigate to Settings > Survey settings > Quoting preference > Archive options tab

Press Add and a new row will appear.

Enter the archive option name and press “Add option”.

You can edit options you’ve added before and press the “Save” button at the end of the row or use the trash can icon to delete an option no longer needed.



What happens if I delete an archive option?

The option will no longer be visible on the archive dropdown list. It will still appear on existing jobs that have been archived for reporting purposes.


What happens if I rename an option?

Any jobs using that option will update to show the new name you’ve given to it.


How do I archive a job? 

You can view this guide covering how to archive a job.