When are the different automated emails triggered?

Welcome Email: sent when a customer submits using your quote form, is added via a lead feed or when you say yes to the welcome email when publishing a manual quote.

Quote Request rejected: when you reject the quote

Quote Confirmed: a pricing table is in the system and your quoting preference is set to “estimate and bespoke”. When a customer submits a query using your quote form, the price provided will be an estimate and you will be required to confirm if it is ok or needs to be adjusted. This is sent when you confirm an estimate.

Manual Quote submitted: when a quote has gone bespoke and you Confirm/Adjust the fee, this is sent.

Lead Nurture 1, 2 & 3https://support.surveybooker.co.uk/when-are-scheduled-emails-sent/

Thank you for survey instruction: When a customer books online and confirms their additional information is correct, they are sent this email

Please sign E-Terms: Sent to the customer when you send terms (once you have finalised terms from your end)

E-terms follow up: If the customer hasn’t signed yet, then this is sent 3 days and 6 days after

Terms are signed and payment link is available: sent to the customer when all parties required to sign the terms document have completed it and it’s uploaded to the system or when you manually change the terms status to “Yes”. This will not be sent if there are still parties required to sign the document (e.g. an additional signer)

Payment due: sent when you click on the “Send payment request” button

Payment Receipt: sent when the customer completes payment using the payment integrations or when you mark the job as paid manually and select the checkbox to send confirmation

Survey accepted: sent when you accept the survey

Survey inspection booked: sent when an appointment is booked

Survey inspection went ahead: sent when you confirm the inspection

Survey date rescheduled: sent when you reschedule an appointment and have selected the checkbox to send an email on the booking pop up (as you may only be changing the appointment time and not want to alert the customer)

Survey report available: sent when you upload a report

Survey report follow-up: this is sent at 15:35, 7 days after the report was uploaded

Customer Account activated: when a customer sets a password to log into the portal

Message received from surveyor: when you use the ‘Message’ feature on the contact section and send a message to the customer

Survey rejected: when you reject the survey

Survey cancelled: when you cancel the survey

Access contact appointment date confirmation: when you book the appointment https://support.surveybooker.co.uk/my-support/access-contact-email-templates/

Access contact appointment date reminder: sent 24 hours before the appointment date/time. If the appointment is booked with less than 24 hours to go, this email will not be sent https://support.surveybooker.co.uk/my-support/access-contact-email-templates/