How does the referral partner status automatically update?

There are a number of “status” types for referral partners. Here we discuss what each is best used for and how the status can automatically change.

  • PROSPECT – this is best used for referrers you don’t yet work with but you’d like to try and convert into an active referral partner. By adding them to the system you can track when you last contacted them, what was said, and set tasks to remind you to make your text contact. This is designed to help you maintain contact and get the referrer onboard.
  • PROSPECT – TERMS SENT – if you have the referrer plus module, you can send out terms. When you send terms to be signed, the group record will automatically move to “prospect – terms sent” so you can track who has been sent terms and is still to complete them.
  • LIVE 
    • If you are adding a new referral partner to the system that you actively work with, this is the best status to choose. It will help you to see partners that refer to you that haven’t yet submitted a new lead to you. You can then filter by referrers with the status of “Live” to see who you’ve added that still hasn’t sent in their first lead (either via a referral link or that you’ve manually added to the system)
    • If you have sent terms above, when the signed terms are received, the status will automatically move from “Prospect – Terms sent” to “Live”. This helps you to see which referral partners you are working with but that haven’t yet sent you any leads.
  • ACTIVE – the status will move from “Live” to “Active” automatically when a referrer submits their first lead via a referral link or you manually add a new lead and assign the referrer to the job. This helps you differentiate between referrers you’ve added that have sent in leads (active) and those that haven’t (live)
  • LAPSED – the status will move to “Lapsed” when a referrer has previously sent a lead but it was over 30 days ago. This will help you gauge which partners may not be as engaged and may be worth following up with to see why they haven’t sent any leads through. Once they do send a new lead through, their status will move back to “Active” automatically.
  • ENDED – this is a manual status. If you’ve finished working with a referrer, you can set them to “ended”. You can use the action tick box on the table to archive or delete the referrer from the system.
  • ARCHIVED – this will bring up all records you have archived with the system showing the reason you selected.