Webinar 3 - Increase engagement with your introducers
In this session, we look at getting the most from your referral relationships. We look at how to:
- Add introducers
- Manage settings
- Share referral links
- View recent activity and referrals to see which referral partners need further engagement
- Logging information against each record
By more actively managing your referral partnerships, you can engage with partners at the right time and help to encourage more referrals.
Questions asked
If you have multiple contacts under one branch, is there an option to email them all at once or do you have to go into each one individually?
Currently, you’d need to email each one individually from the email tab. From here all emails sent and replies received will be saved. However, we are working on features later this year that will allow you to bulk email partners both manually and automatically.
From the all introducers table, is there a way to search a ‘group’ and see all of the branches within that group as well in the filtered list?
You can bring up a single group or branch in the table. If you open a Group record there is a “Branch” tab (Introducer Plus feature) where you can see a list of all branches and contacts. In the branch level record there is a “Contact” tab for contacts added to that branch.
The link agents etc use to send a referral, will it auto pull though who’s sent the referral based on them clicking the link?
Yes, each referral partner has their own referral link. I.e. a branch and contact each have a different referral link to a Group level record. When the referral comes through the job record will automatically show the exact link it came through. For example, a referral it put through on a “Branch” level referral link, the timeline will display the group and branch that the referral came from and display on the relevant group and branch records.