A “from” name must be registered for your SMS messages to be sent
Since the 7th December 2024, a from name must be registered in order for your SMS messages to be sent and delivered to customers. This is to prevent bad actors from sending SMS messages and pretending to be you (i.e. it stops someone sending SMS messages and using your company name as the from name).
Next steps:
In order to send SMS messages, you must download this form and submit it to [email protected].
Use the downloaded template to enter this information on your company letterhead and share a signed and stamped copy with [email protected] along with below information:
- Company Website:
- Company Name:
- Company Address:
- Use case: Promotional
- Sample Message:
- Opt in process (share URL webpage):
- Monthly volumes: (see your SMSGlobal reporting)
- Company registration number: you can lookup your registration number here: https://find-and-update.
company-information.service. gov.uk/company/
You can also register with Twilio SMS, another provider we have integrated. However, you will also need to register your sender details with them if doing so.